Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pity this.

I know I'm angry, but what am I supposed to do? - Stone Sour, 'A Rumor of Skin'

Don't pin your sad state on someone else. Check it the fuck out: we are grown ass people, so act like it and OWN YOUR SHIT. Nothing is sadder to me today than a junkie that puts a needle in their arm and accuses everyone around them of putting it there, as though we are Jedi masters with one thing in mind: keeping you down.

And here's another thing that needs a little recognition: ENABLERS, stop pre-ordering tickets to peoples' pity parties, and serve your local victim some truth and accountability instead of worrying your head about what you might have done differently to keep this from happening. We make our own decisions in life, and you're not going to do someone a favor by providing them a hook to hang their bullshit on.

GROW THE FUCK UP, self-pitiers. You don't have to live like that. Make something for yourself that you can feel better about. :) Grab life by the horns, mother fucker.

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